Mental Health & Wellbeing

The Resilient Mindset


  • to develop resilience, become adaptive & deal with their current challenges
  • to use evidence-based, positive psychology interventions & cognitive behavioural techniques to sustainably manage depression & deal with negative thinking traps
  • to rectify poor sleep habits exacerbating mental health issues
  • to deal with disappointment, setbacks & failure

Year Levels

7 – 12 (9 – 13 in NZ)


60 – 75 minutes


Mental health issues are a worldwide epidemic; with 1 in 4 young people suffering from anxiety & 1 in 5 from depression. The pandemic has exacerbated the issues our young people face, as they struggle to engage in the classroom and with their peers, following the lockdowns over the past few years. Social dislocation for a long period has caused a host of issues and the fall-out is happening now. Schools have recognised that there is an urgent need to upskill their students to become more resilient and deal with their mental health issues in a practical & effective way. In this seminar, we give students hope, by giving them easy-to-apply, evidence-based coping strategies so they can adapt, reframe negative situations, feel grateful, improve their sleep hygiene and deal with setbacks in a positive way. We have also created a staff and parent seminar to complement this program, so they can support the students in the classroom & in the home respectively. 


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